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Executive Classes
The executive classes exist as a kind of citizens patrol. Executives
make temporary decisions such as granting ops to non-ops, kicking,
placing bans, and setting channel modes, and are occasionally consulted
for advice by administrators (see Administrator
The channel moderator can kick and kickban users (although it's a
temporary ban). There are lots and lots of moderators, so every time
they kick or kickban someone it is logged. We know who you are :-)
Here are the commands available to operators (optional items):
/msg copper kick channel nick reason
/msg copper kickban channel nick reason
In addition to the commands available to a Moderator, Channel operators
- Make copper speak on the channel.
- Permanently ban users.
- Gain ops on the channel.
- Set the topic.
Channel Operators can get more help on their commands with /msg Copper
help, or in the party line with .help.
Neale Pickett <zephyr@nmt.edu>
March 2, 1997