#Disney Regulars

Regulars are those poor souls who keep joining the channel, day after day. All regulars are certified 100% friendly! How can I get on the regulars page?
To find out more about a user (real name, homepage, email, and a self description), follow the link on their Nickname.

Physical Location Age
Beauty Marietta, Georgia 45
Belle Merrittstown, Pennsylvania 43
ChanMan Simi Valley, California 65
Clopin Moorpark, California 44
Copper A computer, Simi Valley, CA 29
Cubbi Moscow, Russia 49
DaisyDuck Colorado Springs, Colorado 40
Egoman Los Angeles, California 55
fudgepop Little Silver, New Jersey 41
HasanChop Lincolnton, Georgia 58
HiOctane Long Beach, California 48
JoshuaW Long Beach, California 47
KangaSue Ocala, FL 61
Kimberly Citrus County, Florida 41
Meeko Atlanta, Georgia 48
Meerkat Santa Barbara, California 46
Mufasa Oceanside, California 45
murray Austin, Texas 46
Nala Colorado Springs, Colorado 43
Pianoman1 Bellefonte, PA 45
Res Minneapolis, Minnesota 62
Shadrax Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania 39
SPydiR Ocala, Florida 47
Sunni Colorado Springs, Colorado 36
Timon Simi Valley, California 41
Timon2 Tifton, Georgia 48
TweekyB St. Augustine, Florida 44
zephyr_ Los Alamos, New Mexico 50
zoobee Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania 64

If you are a parent, please read Neale's statement about security regarding this page--what the problems are and what I've done to minimize them.

Meeko made a list of the first 31 people to join #Disney, if you're interested.

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Pages created and maintained by:
Jennifer Brook (Nala on IRC)
Neale Pickett (zephyr_ on IRC)
Meeko (Meeko on IRC)

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